Bookstore : Hollywood California Books Online List


Hollywood: The Movie Lover's Guide
Richard Alleman
"The ultimate insider tour of movie L.A."

Hollywood: The Pioneers
Kevin Brownlow
Vivid photographic chronicle of the Silent Era.

Hollywood Babylon
Kenneth Anger
The classic Hollywood gossip book.

The Story of Hollywood: An Illustrated History
Gregory Paul Williams
Contains over 800 images spanning the entire history of Hollywood.

Access Los Angeles
Richard Saul Wurman
Great general guidebook for the L.A. experience.

Curbside L.A.
Cecilia Rasmussen
Offbeat guide to a car tour of L.A. sites.

Forgotten Hollywood History
Manny Pacheco
Well researched book on film history.

Hollywood Collectibles
Dian Zillner
Concentrates on the careers and collectibles pertaining to Shirley Temple, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley and others.

Hollywood Kids: Child Stars of the Silver Screen
Tom Aylesworth
Illustrated history of Hollywood's child actors from 1903-1987.

The Hollywood Musical
Jane Feuer
Encylopedic informational survey of the genre.

Hollywood's Children
Diana Serra Cary
Covers child actors from the Silent and Classic era.

The L.A. Musical History Tour
Art Fein
Great tour of L.A.'s Rock and Roll landmarks.

LA Bizzaro
Anthony Lovett & Matt Maranian
Entertaining guide to the offbeat and weird around Los Angeles.

Los Angeles A to Z
Leonard Pitt & Dale Pitt
Good all around guide for tourist or resident.

Hollywood Then and Now
Rosemary Lord
Nice "then and now" photographs.

Making of the Wizard of Oz
Aljean Harmetz
Essential coffee table book for fans of the classic.

Movie Star Homes
Judy Artunian & Mike Oldham
Over 300 entries covering stars from the silent era to the present.

The Hollywood Book of Scandals
James Parish
All the dirt, past and present.

The Story of Hollywood
Gregory Paul Williams
Beautiful illustrated history with over 800 photographs.

The Ultimate Hollywood Tour Book
William A. Gordon
Good comprehensive tour guide.

The Hollywood Book of Death
James Parish
Companion to the author's scandal book; explores some of the most interesting Hollywood death stories.

Hollywood Escapes
Harry Medved & Bruce Akiyama
Guide to the outdoor locations of movies.

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